Global Protection Gateway
Your Gateway to a safer world
Global Protection Gateway: Premier Brand and Business Protection Across Industries, Green Tech, Quantum, and Disruptive Technologies. Established during the pandemic to help businesses safely secure medical-grade PPE products, we utilize state-of-the-art brand protection technologies to ensure safe delivery and prevent counterfeit or dual import of fake products.

All information regarding the below product is accurate at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.
This document is provided for general information only and nothing contained in the material constitutes a recommendation for the purchase or sale of any kind.
Global Protection Gateway will not be held responsible or liable for any decisions made after reading this material.

The 3M Green Channel “3M Concierge”
Private channel for large, unrestricted
3M 1860 purchases.
Details of Product / Channel
MOQ (Minimum order quantity) - 1 billion pieces.
All ready stock.
3M conducts delivery logistics
Channel has US Federal Government approval: only 13 authorised
sellers have access to the channel
Price is $1.88 + 10% commissions.
Price breaks from 20 billon pieces.
Price is CIF to any US port. (Onwards logistics paid by the buyer)
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
• BCL of MT199 or MT799 to verify funds are available for purchase: proving funds is most straightforward when currently held in the US
• Vetting the Bank Account through the Pentagon under sellers US Government Cage Code
• Strategic Funding Partnership with sellers Approved Cage Company to purchase
• SPA issued with 2% Performance Bond
• Money moved to the Approved 3M/Gage Company JP Morgan Chase Escrow account for masks
• Money moved to Citibank escrow account for commissions
• 3M issues Proof of Life via SGS (if available), Lot numbers, Portal Access, video or combination along with Delivery Schedule
• Product delivered in tranches of 250m per week to start with but will ramp up depending on size
of order
For more information about this product contact us on info@globalprotectiongateway.com